- 型號 :
- 110-BRIG01A06BR
- 名稱 :
- 子類別 :
- 套裝鎖 - 美式藏芯
- 原產地 :
- 美國
- 物料 :
- RMH-BRIGGS-01 G10802/G10850 G10851 TRIM BR
- 顏色 :
- 古銅色
- 應用 :
- 家用
Briggs Entry Set
Designed to blend beautifully with a variety of architectural styles for an eclectic look, our Briggs Collection borrows its design aesthetic from an intriguing array of stylistic influences – from the intricate grates found in Morocco to the doorknobs of a cathedral built in the 1800s. Each design sits well in a variety of settings, making it one of our most unique assortments.
G10850/G10851 - 3 9/16" x 23 1/4" escutcheons
G10802 – 7 1/2" Kettle grip
in Silicon Bronze Rust
Upgraded Lockcase*
American (ANSI) Mortise Type (110-0670RAB)
Handing: L + R reversible trim
Upgraded Cylinder*
Door thickness |
MEDECO Cylinder length |
2” |
1-1/2” (10T5200) |
>2” to 2-1/4” |
1-3/4” (10T5400) |
* PLC提供升級版高防盜鎖芯,鎖膽及其他配件以符合本地之規格和兼容性。
Finish code: AZ (US7)
Construction key setup (2-Level)
-3 first install keys
-3 end-user keys
Rocky Mountain Hardware 門鎖產品質素及工藝均獲得終身信譽保證,所有配件均由人手製作,保證每一年產品都是獨一無二。 產品經過天然綠鏽氧化過程,塑造出理想的外觀及質感,這種天然的青銅色稱為“living finish”,物料會隨著時間,人手觸摸和氣候等各種因素而不斷變化,因此我們未能為產品的顏色及皮革提供保養。
護理 + 清潔